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Reserve Mines Volunteer Fire Department Junior Firefighter Program

Established 2014

The Junior Firefighter Program has been instituted by the Reserve Mines Volunteer Fire Department as a training program for young men and women, aged 16-18, interested in serving their community and preparing to become active firefighters upon reaching the age of 19. At age 19, the Junior Firefighter is eligible to apply to become a probationary member of the Reserve Mines Volunteer Fire Department upon successful completion of the Junior Firefighter Program.

As a Junior Firefighter, individuals serve in a support role for the Department firefighters at actual emergencies as a supplement to a formal training program. The Junior Firefighters attend weekly training drills with the full Department. The Department Captains will serve as the Junior Firefighter Training Officers. Those selected are expected to act in a mature manner and commit to a demanding, long-term program.

In both training sessions and actual emergency situations, the safety of the Junior Firefighter is of paramount concern to the Department. As such, the activities of the Junior Firefighters are limited in scope and the Department Officers closely supervise them. The Junior Firefighters quickly become an integral part of the firefighting team during emergencies, serving in such important capacities as establishing a water supply, supplying equipment for interior firefighters, changing air packs, manning exterior hose lines and assisting with exterior overhaul once a fire has been extinguished. It should be understood, however, that despite the training and supervision provided, firefighting is a dangerous activity and serious injury is a possibility. The Department Officers will make every effort to minimize the Junior Firefighters’ exposure to danger. It is also the responsibility of the Junior Firefighter to avoid known hazardous situations.

Due to the inherent dangers of firefighting, strict rules of conduct and tight procedural standards have been established. In an actual emergency, it is essential that all Firefighters, including Junior Firefighters, act in a calm and efficient manner. The Junior Firefighters are expected to attend training drills to be prepared for the many challenges presented in an emergency situation. Each individual is expected to read and understand these requirements and to adhere to the standards. The Reserve Mines Volunteer Fire Department Officers are available to discuss any questions at any time.

Since 2014, we have been able to graduate four individuals from this program. One has gone on to take his Firefighter I and II from the Nova Scotia Firefighters School with the others enrolling in the CBRM Hybrid Firefighter I course.


Applications can be dropped off to any member of the Reserve Mines Volunteer Fire Department or you can start the application process by clicking here.

New junior firefighters are always welcome - feel free to drop by any Tuesday night for a visit.

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© 2017 by Reserve Mines Fire Department

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